Job Opportunity – Willcox Orchestra Program

Job Opportunity – Willcox Orchestra Program

  • On January 30, 2018

Middle/High School Orchestra Teacher for 2018/2019 School Year:

The Willcox Orchestra Program serves over 130 talented string students
in grades 5 – 12 in the beautiful high desert country of Willcox, AZ.
This award-winning program is the gem of the small community, has
received superior honors at competitive festivals, and has produced
outstanding students. The program’s allure includes a 4 day school
week, no traveling between campuses, and your own dedicated classroom.

Teacher duties include choosing graduated music literature for a total
of 4 ensembles (grades 5 – 12), teaching students solid foundational
string technique and musical expression, producing two major concerts
per year, and carrying out duties as an orchestra club sponsor. Club
sponsor duties include taking students on various field trips to see
professional symphonies, performances for our local elementary school,
cluster concerts with regional orchestras, and overseeing students at
performance festivals and regional auditions.

Students in the Willcox Orchestra Program are highly motivated with
various program incentives, trips, and opportunities that they are
provided by being in orchestra. Most students are effectively playing
above-level literature. This program is well-supported by the
parents, administration, and community. This is an awesome
opportunity to ensure that your love for music and teaching make a
difference in the lives of young people.

Please contact Mike Patterson, (520) 384-8634, [email protected] or apply on-line with application and instructions available at Please submit resume, copies of teaching certificate, fingerprint clearance card, college transcripts and 3 letters of recommendation.